24 Hours on - call Services
Physician Services
Nursing Care
Certified Nursing Assistant/ Home Health Aid
Volunteer Support
Pain management
Levels of Care
Routine Home Care
Symptom management and support provided by their primary care team to patients whose pain and symptoms can be managed in whatever place they call “home”
Provided in private residences, group homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities
Respite Care
Up to 5 days of patient care provided in a facility setting to provide families with a rest from the 24/7 provision of care
Goal of respite care is to allow the family to rest and recharge​
Services are provided by a skilled interdisciplinary team of Divine Hospice to assist patients and families through the difficult journey of a terminal illness. Theses service are provided by Divine Hospice
General In-Patient
Care provided for patients with acute pain and/or symptom management needs that cannot be addressed therapeutically in the home setting
Provides highly-skilled, short-term care to address the medical crisis and assist the patient in achieving comfort to return home
Is a short-term solution to a crisis
Continuous Care
When patients are in an acute crisis that requires frequent medical intervention wherever they reside. It requires a minimum of 8 hours of care in a 24 hour period (beginning and ending at midnight) with 51% of the care being provided by an RN or LPN.
Provided in private residences, group homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.
Medical Equipment Supplies
Bereavement Counseling
Spiritual and Emotional Support
Social work services
Personal care supplies
Medications Management​